I have always been creative. In the early days it was drawing, then sewing, moving into baking before I found jewellery making. So you could say I have a good sense of lines, colour, balance, so now I use these skills in creating jewellery. I have enjoyed making jewellery as a hobby for over 10 years. Since 2011 I have been drawn to using polymer clay in my creations. I tried my hand at working with polymer clay & I've been in love with it ever since, it's such a versatile medium to use, the possibilities are endless.
You could say I'm addicted to it...I'm a Polymer clay addict who can't stop designing beautiful jewellery for people to wear.
So my journey started. I have done some creative courses with some of the leading international lights in the polymer clay world, such as Donna Kato, Jana Roberts Benzon, Bettina Welker & Nikolina Otrzan. As well as British talents including Cara Jane Hayman, Carol Blackburn & Melanie Muir, some of their influences can be seen in my work.
I have made many new friends along the way, the polymer clay community is a very caring and sharing one and I have learnt a lot from the passionate people who love to 'clay play'. I joined the British Polymer Clay Guild and was vice president for 2 years. I also run a local branch group for Surrey & Hampshire, to inspire and bring local members together to share in the passion.
I create all of my work by hand, mixing, blending, and matching colours to suit my mood or my clothes. I sometime sketch my ideas before I make them but often the process is so organic, I just go with the flow. Once I've made my design the clay needs to be cured. I then sand them, buff and polish them, then assemble them into a finished piece of wearable art. Each piece takes a long time to create but the process is Oh so satisfying. I have a small studio space in my home. As my space is so small and limited, I have to keep the area as tidy as possible and I'm a self confessed neat freak but sometimes neat and tidy don't mix well with creativity.
I hope you enjoy looking at my work, or owning it as much as I enjoy creating it.
Picture; Cara Jane Haymen BPCG President and myself enjoying Ice cream whilst strategising.